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For a different bulletin, please go to Worship, select Services, choose Archived Bulletins and click on desired date for bulletin and hymns
~Sunday Service is at 10:30 AM ET~
Online Offering
We are grateful for your generosity to ensure that the vital ministries of St. Paul’s are financially stable and to continue our vision while adapting to these wild times.
Click the Donate button to give through PayPal or click here to use Vanco E-giving.
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Archived Services
Archived Bulletins
Video Streaming Mission & Licensing:
To make available the message of St. Paul’s to as wide an audience as possible. Accessibility comes in many forms, and streaming of the Sunday services and other special functions brings the voice of St. Paul’s to those who cannot make it due to infirmity, competing priorities and inclement weather exceeding their ability to attend in person. In addition, the streaming service provides a low-key way for potential new participants to investigate and experience our services from the comfort of their homes.
Permission to reprint, podcast, and/or stream the music in this service obtained from ONE LICENSE with license # A-728210. Movie and video permission with CVLI License #504298777.