The Christian life is a journey of discipleship where we follow the Way of Jesus modeled by many who traveled this path before us. As we prayerfully consider our financial and material support of our beloved St. Paul’s church community for 2020, let us spend time in the presence of those who also sought to give of themselves to God. Let us experience the Way of Poverty through St. Francis of Assisi, the Way of Authority from Mary McLeod Bethune, The Way of Generosity told by St. Luke, and the Way of Necessity lived by Sarah Crosby. May we be inspired in our giving and living by the lives of these ‘saints’ of God who have gone before us.
October 6–World Communion Sunday-St. Francis of Assisi: The Way of Poverty. Scripture: Mark 10:17-31. We will also be dedicating two new chalice and paten sets created by Gary Rith.
October 14–Mary McLeod Bethune: The Way of Authority. Scripture: James 2:1-9.
October 20–St. Luke the Evangelist: The Way of Generosity. Scripture: Luke 19:1-10.October 27-Special Guest Preacher, the Rev. M. Barclay.
November 3—All Saints Sunday-Sarah Crosby: The Way of Necessity. Scripture: Acts 11:1-18.