Lent 2020

Posted By Communications on Feb 17, 2020 | 0 comments

Wilderness: State of the Wild
from A Sanctified Art, sanctifiedart.org

February 23—Transfiguration Sunday—After morning worship, come to the dining room to participate in creating artist adornments for our sanctuary during Lent—tables will be set up with all the materials needed to create Lenten vases: bare branches, rocks, clear glass vases, moss. Join with your church family at one of the tables, read the poem and follow the simple directions for creating simple and powerful artist elements for our Lenten worship experience. It is a spiritual experience for all ages. What to help plan, gather materials and create? Let Pastor Teressa know!

February 26—Ash Wednesday: Day of the Lord—Joel 2:1-2, 12-17
Prayers & Ashes in the Memorial Room from 12:00-3:00 PM
Worship Service at 6:00 PM in the Sanctuary

March 1—First Sunday of Lent: Spirit Led—Genesis 2:15-16; 3:1-7, Matthew 4:1-11

March 8—Second Sunday of Lent: Wilderness Song—Psalm 121, John 3:1-17
Daylight Saving Time Begins

March 15—Third Sunday of Lent: Through Samaria—Exodus 17:1-7, John 4:5-42

March 22—Fourth Sunday of Lent: Through the Valley—Palm 23, John 9:1-41

March 29—Fifth Sunday of Lent: Unbind Me—Ezekiel 37:1-14, John 11:1-45

April 5—Palm Sunday: From Palms to Passion—Matthew’s telling of the Passion Story
Five Dramatic Readers are needed for this powerful service. Let Pastor Teressa Know if you are interested (tsivers@stpaulsithaca.org).

April 9—Maundy Thursday: Singing Through the Wilderness—John’s telling of the Passion Story
Worship at 6:00 PM in the Sanctuary

April 10—Good Friday: Stations of the Cross available for guided meditation in the Memorial Room from 12:00-3:00 PM

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