Easter 2020

Posted By Communications on Apr 26, 2020 | 0 comments

Easter Season Worship-The Heart of the Matter

As we continue to follow social distancing directions, we celebrate the Easter season united in Spirit. The first fellowship of Jesus followers followed a simple worship pattern:
Day by day, as they spent much time together in the temple, they broke bread at home and ate their food with glad and generous hearts, praising God and having the goodwill of all the people. (Acts 2:46-47a)

We come together in spirit and create a ‘temple’ of worship in our hearts that connects us across boundaries, distance and time. As we share in worship, we are connected. At the ‘heart of the matter,’ we are connected through the Spirit that makes us one in love. Starting April 26 and continuing through May, you are invited to ‘bring’ the following items to our live stream worship:

  • Candle
  • stone with a heart painted/drawn on it
  • something to eat (brunch/snack)
  • other items that create a worship environment, such as a bible, a bowl of water to symbolize your baptism, something from nature, be creative

Each week we will center ourselves, bless our food and ‘break bread together,’ and break open the scriptures. Let us center ourselves on ‘the Heart of the Matter,’ Love.

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