Each of our lives take shape in the form of the stories of which we are a part. These stories are sometimes sad, sometimes happy, sometimes fascinating, and other times seem dull. Yet all of these stories are being woven into God’s greater, eternal story.
At St. Paul’s United Methodist Church we help one another understand our stories as episodes in God’s unfolding love story. In worship, as we gather together in the presence of God and one another, we encounter the Spirit as our stories intersect with Scripture, song, spoken word, and with sacraments.
In fellowship we speak and listen with open hearts and with an awareness of the presence of God. As we listen and share our stories with one another we become more attentive to the presence of God in each moment. Such conversations help us to become more adept at living in such a way that our story intersects harmoniously with God’s story.
In volunteering, we serve one another and the wider community, intentionally become part of the divine story of justice and compassion that weaves God’s mercy into creation.
All these – worship, fellowship, volunteering – can be seen as experiments with Love that open us up to be led and transformed by the Spirit to be the compassionate community that God is calling us become. We invite you to live into that story with us.
New Member Classes
We hold classes to help orient newcomers to our church and all of its activities and outreach programs. Please contact Pastor Beckie Sweet (pastor@stpaulsithaca.org), to find out when the next class will begin.
There are many fun ways to start getting to know other St. Paulians – consider one or more of the following:
* join one of our small groups
* join the choir
* help with coffee hour
Please click here to see a full list of volunteer opportunities. Alternatively, contact Jami Breedlove-Crouch to explore ways to become involved with the life of the church. We hope that one or more of these activities will help you start to feel at home at St. Paul’s.